Thursday 26 May 2011

Rokit Man

I mentioned in a previous post that I recently took a trip to London, so I thought it was probably about time that I went into a little detail about it!  Rokit was definitely one of my favourite stops, Brick Lane had the most incredible selection of Vintage shops - one worthy of a day's attention!  When I see the finds that people have bought from vintage shops I always find myself in awe of them, which is closely followed by very small thoughts of jealousy ( 'I never find things like that!').  I should note that my jealousy not only comes from their fabulous find but also from their bravery.  I always think that it takes a certain kind of bravery to go vintage, and I'm still trying to find mine.

However I do find I'm a little to brave when it comes to scarves.  Vintage scarves are a weakness of mine, I adore them.  I'm wearing this one in my first post but the picture doesn't do it nearly enough justice!

My collection is far too small for my liking so I have my eye on these gorgeous additions...

B x


  1. Tbh i prefer the scarf designs of Professor Weston, top lad and all round swell guy.

    Loving your blog :) :) :)

